Virtual Trumpet Class

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Covid-19 has forced students around the world to rely on virtual learning more than ever before. Band students have been unable to enter their band rooms to engage in rehearsals, sectionals, private lessons, and that absence is having effects on their playing. The most obvious trend for trumpet students has been the regression of fundamental skills, with many students struggling to find motivation to practice.

On a deeper level, we are all struggling to adjust to the lost sense of community and camaraderie that comes with interacting with our peers during rehearsals.

However, with this loss of access to our traditional ensembles comes a unique opportunity to expand our band rooms beyond the walls of a building.

Thanks to virtual platforms such as Zoom, our community has no limits.

Weekly classes are designed for students in grades 7-12 and welcome all ability levels. Classes can be taken independently or to supplement private lessons with me or another teacher, and you can enroll anytime.

Goals for our Virtual Trumpet Classes

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  • Connect students with trumpet players from beyond the walls of their local band and trumpet community

  • Foster learning opportunities that typically happen organically in group learning

  • Motivate students by playing together in class, exercising the necessary fundamentals required to play our instrument

Pictured: Students learning how to use the analysis feature on the Tonal Energy app to study articulations.

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  • Provide structure to students who simply struggle to maintain a consistent routine for practicing their instrument

Pictured: Trumpet students being led through Laurie Frink’s Integrated Warm Up routine.

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  • Discuss topics with professionals that are not usually geographically accessible to us

Pictured: Special guest Harold Sedano, “Blast!” performer and educator based in Houston, TX, taking students through his personal leadpipe routine during trumpet class.

Reserve your spot today to start connecting with us and further developing your passion for music.